Each product on this site is made by the shop owner/designer and dispatched by them. Please refer to the item listing where the seller should list dispatch times. Many products are made to order so each designer will have different dispatch times for each item. If you have any concerns about your item please contact the seller directly.
Yes many sellers offer this. Please refer to the item listing for these details and international shipping costs. If you cannot see international shipping costs please get in touch with the seller to enquire.
We accept PayPal and all major credit card and debit cards
We are sorry if you are not happy with your purchase. If you are not entirely satisfied, you have 28 days from the date you receive your order to return it to the seller directly. Items returned must be unworn and in a resalable condition.
All returns must be returned to the seller. Please contact the seller to let them know you would like to return the item. Please refer to our returns and exchanges page for more information.
Please check the estimated dispatch times on the product page. Many items are made to order so cannot be dispatched immediately. If you have not received a shipping confirmation email within a day or two of the estimated dispatch time please check your spam folder as it may be in there. Alternatively you can log on to your account to see your order status. Please contact the seller directly if you have any concerns or questions.